The Pinnacle of Enabling Business Teams
Authorise – leverages Pinnacle’s leading AI automation platform to surface a unique capability that support and enables business users to reduce the effort required to support acceptance of digital business assurance change. Authorise significantly improves collaboration between technical IT and business teams, and provides clarity and evidence that individual business teams acceptance criteria has been met. Authorise all can be leveraged to automate and track industry and business certification and compliance requirements.
Does this Sound Familiar?
Apply Innovation in AI Automation to ENABLE Business User Teams NOT use Technical Complexity
Authorise Provides Improved
Collaborative Agile Delivery
Business Acceptance Services
Certification Services
Enable YOUR Business Teams
Authorise sets a new bench mark in agile working between business and IT teams.
Authorised significantly reduces the time and effort that business resources are required to be pulled from their day jobs to support IT project changes. The use of non technical acceptance driven frameworks and PinnacleQM’s AI automation platform significantly improves collaboration and clear communication between business and technical teams.
Authorised is not only winning favour with business users, but is accepted as a new approach to applying automation into Agile projects. For IT teams Authorised is improving their business user engagements within projects, making their engagement more focused upon value and is improving the quality of the overall project, whilst reducing overall project durations and spend.
Business User Benefits and Savings with Authorise
We save companies Millions of Dollars per year in enabling business user teams to work smarter.
Authorise allows business users to do more valuable work AND focus on their day jobs along with support and accept MORE IT change.
Up to 80% SAVING in EFFORT per Business User
Authorise Acceptance Driven Framework ENSURES Business Users Get What they Need From IT and its Systems
Business User Teams can NOT run two jobs and work 24/365. Our Virtual Worker BOTs do so that you are NOT burning out your teams in the support of IT Change.
Users are NOT required to run their UAT activities MANY time OVER. Just watch and approve the Run Time Video Evidence only once it is ready and working
Save Months of overall project durations and remove delays from needing to keep booking and scheduling business user slots for multiple cycles of User Acceptance
We Automate and provide the Run Time Video Evidence that YOUR acceptance Criteria Has Been Met.
Asset Re Use is KING! From Testing and for future reuse. Automated User Acceptance ensures user tasks, reports and end to end business processes all work prior to acceptance.
Our Virtual Worker BOTs SAVE MONTHS per business user each year on running UAT defect fix and retest cycles. So your business users don’t need to.
SMARTER Use of Business Users Time, gives them time BACK to their day jobs, BUT allows them also to SUPORT MORE IT project change.
Increase Business User Team Productive, Scale and Capacity NOT Lines of Technical Code to Maintain
Authorise Provides Improved
Improve Collaboration between Business and IT Project Teams
Within business user workshops, teams uses the simple business user Acceptance Framework within Authorised to define and articulate for a given IT change what Acceptance looks like for each business user stakeholder. Traditional IT solutions often alienate non technical users. Authorised enables both business and IT teams access the simple, non technical UI to review and understand the projects acceptance criteria that are mapped to natural language work instructions that automate the execution of the user acceptance activities. Enabling all Agile team members to understand what is being validated and what coverage and business conditions are required for acceptance approval.
Clearly Defined and Actionable User Acceptance Criteria
Authorised uses a robust and proven acceptance & certification framework. Collaborative agile acceptance working sessions provide clear and unambiguous user and stakeholder acceptance criteria. all associated user acceptance criteria work task, processes and reports are mapped to ensure transparency and agreement within the team. Natural Language work instructions are created for each acceptance item, business transaction, task, process and report. Authorised then runs these runs these activities using PinnacleQM’s AI Automation platform on behalf of the business user.
Reduced Business User Effort and Durations to Support IT Change
Authorised reduces user effort by focusing upon collaboration and clarification in definition of acceptance criteria, along with stream lining the user approval and sign-off process with access to runtime video and “Evidence Logs”.AI Automated “Acceptance” using natural language work instruction transactions reduces the effort and duration’s that business users are required to be out of their day jobs, allocated to supporting IT projects, UAT and defect re-testing.
Reduce the Overall Cost of IT Change
Authorised significantly reduces the overall cost of IT projects by reducing the total project duration, along with effort and durations that all IT and business users are allocated in providing project input and acceptance activities for multiple defect cycles, multiple sprints and releases.
Run Time Video Capture of Evidence
Authorised AI automation platform executes all business acceptance transactions and activities. When an acceptance item achieves “approved status”, Authorised executes the run again, capturing real time video evidence and screenshots that are automatically added to the users evidence logs within the Authorised dashboard for sign off and approval.
AI Automated Execution of Business User Acceptance Criteria
AI automation executes the defined and agreed acceptance criteria activities. All acceptance results are captured, defects raised, fixed and transaction run continuously until all the require business user acceptance criteria is met.
Improve Team Collaboration and Acceptance, by Improving Team Understanding of Coverage by Using CLEAR Natural Language and Systems That ALL Team Members Can Understand
Authorise Product Features
User Acceptance Feature Functionality: In an agile world business users are more involved & integral to the delivery of IT change than ever before. This has a significant impact on business productivity and costs. Via the use of industry leading collaborative acceptance driven AI automation, PinnacleQM provides measurable savings in time, effort & costs back to the business.
Business Focused Acceptance & Certification Framework
Non Technical Business Focused Automation Solution
Real Time Dashboard, Reporting, and Signoff
Business User Centric Natural Language Work Instructions Control Automation
Automated Execution of Business Processes &
Acceptance Criteria
Automated Execution of Acceptance Defects and Fix Cycles
Low Maintenance, No Technical Code to Create or Maintain
Authorise Industry Certification Feature functionality
Upload industry specified certification model
Upload regulatory or compliance obligations requirements
AI automated execution of certification criteria
Custom defined certification criteria
Real time dashboard and reporting, acceptance and signoff
Run time video capture of compliance evidence
Breach of compliance, notification reporting
Accelerate Quality and Business Acceptance NOT multiple cycles of Business Effort
Authorise Industry Certification Feature functionality
SAVING Business Users Effort & Time along with Project Budget Costs
Large Scale Digital Transformation Project using Complex Integration. Planned Client Model
Large Scale Digital Transformation Project using Complex Integration. Pinnacle Authorise Model
6 years less in Business User days and $1.9M budget saved
A Revolution in Business User Acceptance
Business Users are often seen as free resource by IT teams, available to support IT projects.
Often juggling their day jobs and IT activities business users are often over worked, and their true costs to the business overlooked.
Pinnacle believes in ENABLING the smarter use of Business User Teams to drive higher value from their utilisation, whilst support more IT change at low costs.